How did convents start?
Convent schools (also called monastic schools) emerged in Europe during the Early Middle Ages (c. 500–1000). With the disappearance of classical Roman culture in western Europe, monasteries became sites for education.
What is the purpose of a convent?
The definition of a convent is a home for nuns or monks. An example of a convent is a place where Catholic sisters live. A religious community whose members (especially nuns) live under strict observation of religious rules and self-imposed vows.
Who started convents?
Women also took up this vocation; Clare of Assisi, an aristocrat and follower of Saint Francis, established her own all-female mendicant communities which are known as convents (as opposed to nunneries). By 1228 CE there were 24 such convents in northern Italy alone.
Why was convent created?
The convents established schools for several reasons. For some orders it was part of their religious purpose to educate girls, others saw it as a means of educating future members, and all needed to secure their convents financially and be self-sufficient. Schooling provided varied significantly.
What was an important role of convents?
Monasteries were a place where travelers could stay during the Middle Ages as there were very few inns during that time. They also helped to feed the poor, take care of the sick, and provided education to boys in the local community.
Who lived in convents?
Although convent usually refers to the actual building where nuns live together, it can also sometimes more generally refer to a Christian community that is living according to religious vows. Catholic monks live in communities together in monasteries, while Catholic nuns tend to live in convents.
Why were convent schools created?
Convent schools are mostly considered to raise up and nurture students, in a strict atmosphere, but is also thought of as a stepping stone towards self discipline. Studying in a convent school is a different experience altogether.
What are convent schools in India?
The dictionary defines a ‘convent’ as a community of religious people (usually nuns) often with a school attached to it. But in India, the word is often used erroneously to mean English-medium schools .
What is the meaning of Covent?
n. 1. A convent or monastery. Covent Garden. a large square in London, so called because originally it was the garden of a monastery.
What is special about convent schools?
What is convent in Christianity?
A convent is a community of priests, religious brothers, religious sisters, monks or nuns; or the building used by the community, particularly in the Catholic Church, Lutheran churches, and the Anglican Communion.