What time does the sun starts setting?
Sunrise, Sunset Times Today
Sunlight Today | Starts | Ends |
Sunrise | 06:19 am | 06:21 am |
Morning Golden Hour | 06:21 am | 06:53 am |
Solar Noon | 12:36 pm | |
Evening Golden Hour | 06:19 pm | 06:51 pm |
What time dies the sunset in San Diego?
↑ Sunrise and ↓ Sunset in California (60 Locations) | ||
San Diego | ↑ 6:54 am | ↓ 6:58 pm |
San Francisco | ↑ 7:16 am | ↓ 7:19 pm |
San Jose | ↑ 7:13 am | ↓ 7:17 pm |
Santa Ana | ↑ 6:57 am | ↓ 7:01 pm |
What time does the sun set latest?
Key sun stats
Latest sunset | 19:22 |
Latest sunrise | 07:24 |
Earliest sunset | 16:15 |
Average cloud cover | 33 % |
Average sun hours per day | 11:29 |
What time dies the sun set in the UK?
In these days the sun in London rises at 6:38. The Sunset can currently be watched at about 19:31 Uhr in the early evening….Sunrise and sunset in the most important cities of the United Kingdom.
City | London |
Sunrise | 06:38 am |
Sunset | 07:31 pm |
Hours of daylight | 12:53 h |
Is sunset completely dark?
It is truly dark. You will perhaps see the sky as dark blue or off-black at the horizon nearest the sun, otherwise the sky will be black. In the sky, you will now be able to see deep space objects (with one of these telescopes), although seeing is compromised a little nearest the horizon where the sun set earlier.
What day has the earliest sunrise?
June 14th
June 14th: The Earliest Sunrise of 2022.
What time is golden hour today UK?
London, United Kingdom – Position of the sun in the sky on March 31, 2022
Time: | Duration: | |
Zenith | 13:04 | |
Golden Hour | 18:49 – 19:31 | 42 min. |
Sunset | 19:31 | |
Civil twilight | 19:31 – 20:05 | 33 min. |