Why do my blue eyes have brown around the pupil?
Some people have eyes that have different colored patches. For example, blue eyes with a green or brown circle around the pupil are pretty common. In these eyes, different parts of the iris make different amounts of melanin. What we don’t have yet is a good handle on how this all happens genetically.
Why do I have blue, green and brown in my eyes?
Heterochromia is when a person has differently colored eyes or eyes that have more than one color. Most of the time, it doesn’t cause any problems. It’s often just a quirk caused by genes passed down from your parents or by something that happened when your eyes were forming.
Do green eyes have brown around the pupil?
Hazel eyes have a brown hue near the pupil that is surrounded by green on the outside of the iris. This contrasts with green which has only one color throughout, and an overall yellow tone to it rather than blue or gold. The two are easy enough to distinguish when looking at them side-by-side!
Are blue, green eyes considered hazel?
Hazel eyes will have a mixture of green, brown, and gold colors, often with a burst of one color close to the pupil, while the outer part of the iris is a different color. Eyes that are primarily blue or a solid hue of any color aren’t hazel.
Can you have blue brown green eyes?
Why are our kids’ eyes different colours? Let’s look at why a blue-eyed parent (dad) and a brown-eyed parent (mum) and can have brown, green, and blue-eyed children. For gene 1, OCA2, there are two possibilities: brown or blue. The brown version of gene 1 is dominant over the blue one.
Is green blue eyes rare?
Blue green eyes are amazing to look at. Part of the reason they hold our attention is because they are extremely rare. While the science is somewhat scattered, the current research suggests that only around 3-5% of the human population has true blue green eyes.
What is it called when your eyes are green and blue?
People with complete heterochromia have eyes that are completely different colors. That is, one eye may be green and their other eye brown, blue, or another color.
How rare are bluish green eyes?